Welcome to Soular Studios
Kinesiology offers a unique way for all ages to release stress, trauma, and pain across the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. You set the pace as we use muscle reflex testing, to tap into the subconscious and address negative patterns, limiting beliefs, and mental/emotional stress. This process shifts the energy flow in your body, helping physical symptoms and dis-ease fade away, restoring balance and nurturing your spirit. As a result, you can feel clearer and more energised.

At its essence kinesiology recognises the intimate connection between body and mind.
Is Kinesiology Suitable for Children & Teens?
Kinesiology provides a gentle avenue for children, teens and young adults to be heard and to express their reactive emotions, behaviours, fears, anxiety and stress.
Creating a nurturing space for children to explore and process their emotions is integral and humbling. Witnessing their joy as they discover the natural remedies and tools, such as crystals, colour therapy, accupressure and sound healing, utilised in Kinesiology for balance, fills us with joy.
While sessions are typically recommended for children aged approximately 6 and above, flexibility exists with parental involvement. When determining suitability, we consider the child's readiness to lie on the massage table and engage for approximately 45 minutes.
In our experience, children thoroughly enjoy the Kinesiology process. For babies and younger children, it's advisable for a parent to be available in the session, as we will utilise the parent as a surrogate for muscle testing.
For further details, feel free to reach out, all sessions for children include a crystal to take home.
Some of the areas we have assisted children with, using kinesiology are:
Addressing fears and phobias
Sharing worries, fears, and stress
Navigating peer pressure & bullying
Anxiety and apprehension
Alleviating emotional stress
Managing depression
Coping with grief
Relief from headaches
Overcoming feelings of loneliness and isolation
Cultivating healthy relationships with others
Boosting self-esteem and self-worth
Coping with stress
Anxiety and stress of exams
Indecisivenesses and struggling to make decisions
Masking to fit in
Understanding emotions
Improving sleep patterns
How do I describe Kinesiology to my child?
We find focussing on the positive outcomes can help when describing kinesiology to children so that they feel more comfortable coming along to a session.
I’ve used these descriptions both with my own children and others when describing what they’ll experience during a session;
“Imagine your body and your emotions are like a puzzle and sometimes the pieces can get a little mixed up that’s when you can feel worried, sad, angry or anxious. Kinesiology is a way to help put the pieces back into the right spots so you feel happier, stronger and more confident.”
"Imagine kinesiology is like a coach who helps you train your body and mind to be strong and healthy. Just like a coach helps you improve your skills in a sport, kinesiology helps you improve your body and mind's ability to handle challenges and feel good."
or if you’re targeting specific emotions;
Feeling calmer: "Kinesiology can help you feel calmer and less worried."
Sleeping better: "Kinesiology can help you sleep better at night."
Being more focused: "Kinesiology can help you pay attention in school and do your best."
Feeling happier: "Kinesiology can make you feel happier and more positive."
Benefits of Kinesiology
Kinesiology is a transformative practice designed to ease life’s challenges by clearing stress, resolving energetic imbalances and bringing clarity. At its essence it recognises the intimate connection between body and mind.
Fundamentally, Kinesiology operates on the premise that the body mirrors the mind, addressing both physical discomfort and emotional turbulence in tandem. It recognizes the intricate dance between bodily sensations and psychological states.
Central to Kinesiology is the understanding that beneath every ache, fear, or tension lies an emotional underpinning waiting to be addressed. By harnessing the power of elevated vibrational frequencies, Kinesiology effectively mitigates stressors. In this heightened energetic state, pain finds no sanctuary, dissipating in the face of heightened vibrational resonance.
What is Muscle Testing?
Muscle Reflex Testing (MRT) serves as a means to bypass the subconscious mind's operating system, enabling communication with and insight into reactive aspects of ourselves.
The process of muscle reflex testing is remarkably gentle. Typically, I work with a bent arm, targeting the brachioradialis muscle, and gradually apply pressure to identify areas of imbalance. By positioning muscles in specific alignments and applying gentle pressure, we access the subconscious through nerve pathways intimately linked with memories, beliefs, and the ingrained programming that often constrains our life experiences. These entrenched beliefs perpetuate cycles and patterns that no longer serve our greater good or well-being.
Food Sensitivity in Kinesiology
Utilising muscle reflex testing techniques to evaluate sensitivities to various foods, substances, and chemicals. Additionally, we employ muscle testing to gauge the impact of supplements and foods on our body's energy. Through this method, we inquire whether these substances have a positive, negative, or neutral effect on our system.
It's crucial to note that this approach differs from allergy testing or prescribing treatments. As Kinesiologists, we do not engage in treating, diagnosing, or prescribing. Instead, we tap into the body's inherent wisdom and intelligence by eliciting reflex responses, providing insights into how our bodies react to what we are exposed to, ingest, or apply.
Areas in Life Kinesiology Can Help With
Addictions – drugs (including illicit and prescribed substances), alcohol, food (including sugar, over eating, not eating), gambling, shopping/spending, sex, co dependency, love addiction etc.
Body image
Brain integration
Conceiving / pregnancy
Core limiting beliefs
Decision making
Emotional stress
Fears and Phobias
Gender expression
Gender fluidity
Gender questioning
Irrational fears
Managing emotions
Menstrual issues
Nervous System reset
Negative thought patterns
Parenting stress
Physical symptoms
Positive mindset
Self esteem and self worth
Self love
Self sabotage
Sexual consciousness
Skin problems
Sleep issues
Book a Consultation
Feeling like you or our child can benefit from a kinesiology session?